Sie sind hier: Münster17 / Tagungsort / Hörsäle

Lecture Rooms

The lecture rooms and seminar rooms of the following buildings will be used for the conference:

H Hörsaalgebäude Schlossplatz 46 Plenary-, Prize-, and Evening Talks, Symposia, T (Talks)
VSH Vom Stein Haus Schlossplatz 34 T (Talks), exhibition on industry and literature
S Schloss Schlossplatz 2 T (Talks), AGA, AKE, AGI, AKC, AIW, jDPG
F Fürstenberghaus Domplatz 20-22 HK (Talks), HK+T (Poster), Press Office, Conference Office
JUR Juridicum Universitätsstr 14 ST (Talks), ST (Poster), T (Talks)